Friday, January 11, 2013

Oh lookie, I haven't posted anything in a while... I'm awful good at that. Well since October we lost a contract on a house, found a different house, delayed settlement three times and finally - bought a house. Then came moving in (ok I still have stuff to bring to the house and things to put away) and the holidays kicked into gear, We celebrated the holidays and our engagement (yay!) and now I am returning to normal(ish) life. So! I've begun two new paintings and I have two blank canvases waiting to be started... and a gallery show coming up in March so there will be more soon!

works in progress in my fancy home studio

1 comment:

  1. You're really gifted... I have trouble with symmetry, I'm just too clumsy with the paintbrush.

    Gorgeous artwork. I hope to become at least half as good as you someday.

